(VIDEO) ‘I'm sick of these shaheds’ - border guard Anakonda destroyed an enemy night drone

10 of July 2024 08:14

Defender Anna, nicknamed Anakonda, has been serving in the border guard agency for about 7 years. Currently, she is driving the enemy out of our country in the Kherson direction. She is well versed in the technical means of protection and defence of the state border, dreams of making Ukrainians' lives belong to Ukrainians and mastering crisis psychology.

‘My duties include working with technical means, using them as practically as possible to ensure that our unit's work on detecting and eliminating the enemy is effective,’ Anakonda says.

While performing a combat mission, defender Anna with her comrades eliminated a kamikaze drone in complete darkness. The drone was supposed to hit the border guards’ positions.

‘That night was very dark. We received information that shahids were flying. We went to our positions immediately. Nothing was visible, only through the thermal imager. Wasting no time, using the sound and technical means, my comrades and I managed to hit and eliminate the shahed. He was quite close to our positions,’ Anakonda says about the night hunting.

The border guard does not feel any discomfort at war. She says, that it does not matter if this is a dugout or a trench. But the most difficult thing for a soldier is to lose her comrades, the best people, and it always hurts a lot.

Anakonda is interested in crisis psychology and wants to become a military psychologist after she wins the war. Nowadays, this hobby helps Anna overcome her own stress, and later she dreams of providing psychological assistance to her comrades.

‘Ukraine needs to be restored! If we don't do it now, it will simply be taken away from us piecemeal, and that's it. Our state will have no value, no nation, no Ukrainians... The enemy is very cunning, we should not underestimate him, he is smart, ruthless, bloody. It is an extremely terrible creature, a demon,’ says the defender of Ukraine.

The border guard dreams of Ukrainians living by their own rules.

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